
Antioch team partners with Arts Alive!

Antioch team partners with Arts Alive!

Arts Alive! is excited to be pairing with Antioch University this year. We’re working with Dr. Tomoyo Kawano and Cierra Tunquist to support our Access to the Arts research. Tomoyo is the director of the dance movement therapy program in the applied psychology department, and Cierra is a student, with an undergrad degree in biomedical engineering.

Arts Spotlight: Antioch's Dance Movement Therapy Program

Kimberley Burden & Tomoyo Kawano share the story of Antioch New England’s Dance Movement Therapy training program, and how it is building partnerships across the community.

“As dance/movement therapists, we believe that dance is life-affirming and that a person’s lived bodily experience and relational bodily action is the primary agent of change. The American Dance Therapy Association defines dance/movement therapy (DMT) as the psychotherapeutic use of dance and movement to promote emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration of the individual, for the purpose of improving health and well-being. Dance and movement have been utilized throughout history for communication, rites of passage, ritual, entertainment, ways of knowing, learning, and so much more.”